Decrease and Increase IHSG

            Composite Stock Price Index, or better known as the JCI, would be a term familiar part of the community. Especially for saham.Namun market investors, there is not much to know what components to be forming JCI value. Actually, JCI is often used as a reference to see respresentasi stock market movement as a whole.               In a column this portfolio, detikFinance will give an idea of forming components of JCI and what factors are making changes JCI as the transaction occurred on the first floor will bursa.Pertama presented the methods commonly used for stock index . In general, there are two kinds of formula to form a stock index. The first formula or method known as the Weighted Average. The formula was (Sigma) PxQ / Nd and then multiplied by 100.               P is the stock price at the regular market. Q is the weighting of shares (the number of shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange). Nd is the basic value, namely the value established by the number of shares listed on the Stock Exchange which listed in the index calculation. Basic values may change if any corporate action that causes the number of shares decreased or increased.             Simply put, each share is calculated in advance of market capitalization. Then add up all of the stock market capitalization of stocks in the index calculated, then divided by the basic values, then multiplied by 100. Market capitalization of stocks that are different from the total market capitalization value of all shares on the Stock Exchange, because there are stocks that do not take into account in calculating the index. Shares that are not considered to be confidential BEI. BEI parties have their own criteria for stocks that could be included in the calculation JCI.            So it can be said, JCI is the representative value of the average price of all shares on the Stock Exchange based on the number of shares listed. That's why is called the Average value Weightened average price of the weight or number of shares. The second formula is what is referred to as Average. Computation similar to the first formula. Only, do not include the weight or number of shares registered in the calculation. The formula is (Sigma) P / Nd multiplied by 100.           What factors alone made the JCI level moves up or down. First of course the stock price. But not only that. A sharp increase or decrease a stock's price affect the JCI movement. But how much it affects the increase depends on the weight of JCI shares. So quite simply, an increase or decrease in JCI is very dependent on the movement of stocks berkapitalisasi large. Depart from here and then there were some stocks mentioned as a driving force JCI. Value reached 10% of the total market capitalization value of all shares on the Stock Exchange included in the calculation JCI. BEI market capitalization now around Rp 1700 trillion. With a market capitalization of that size, increase or decrease the price of Rp 50 points it will memberikanpengaruhpadalevelIHSG. And this method come include stocks that are less actively traded, even sometimes classified as shares to sleep. This will cut the representation of the real JCI markets, because stocks are not traded part included in its calculations.          However, the Stock Exchange considers that the method used should be enough to represent the movement of the daily stock trading floor.

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